Pricing - Clear Prices, Clear Agreements

I know that the topic of pricing is often a sensitive issue. That's why I place great importance on being transparent and open from the start. Here you will learn why I work exclusively with fixed prices and why this is also in your best interest.

Fixed Prices, No Surprises

I firmly believe that it is my job as an expert to explain the complexity of my work in a way that you can easily understand. If I were to simply say, 'Let's just do it, and you pay, no matter how long it takes,' I would be placing all the risk on your shoulders. That wouldn't be fair. If you are not from the IT industry yourself, you cannot fully assess this risk.

A fixed price gives you the security and clarity you need to say: 'Yes, it is worth it to me.'

Hourly Billing? Not My Thing

The traditional time-based billing, also known as Time & Material (T&M), leads to conflicting interests. While the service provider strives to sell enough hours, you naturally want a high-quality result at the lowest possible price. In other words, fewer hours.

In my 25 years, I have never seen a T&M project that did not eventually lead to frustration on one or both sides. And that's the last thing I want.

The Price Stands - No Ifs and Buts

It's also not about offering as cheaply as possible, only to make the actual revenue later through change requests. This tactic is as popular as it is shabby.

That's why my statement is clear: The price I offer is fixed. No hidden costs, no subsequent increases.

If you want to know the prices of my services, you can take a look at my specific offer pages here.

Open Communication from the Start

It may be unusual for me to devote an entire page to this topic, but for me, it's important to communicate clearly from the start. With me, you know exactly where you stand, without having to fight through countless sales meetings.

Tell me more about your project.

Where to find me

  • Remote
    The world,
    but mostly Vienna (Austria).
  • Contact
    +43 699 10384185