Services - Self-Service Portals

Digital solutions for modern customer service.

Target Audience
Self-Service Portals
Discovery, Implementation, and Operation

The Problem: Frustration Instead of Flow

Your customers are tired of having to write an email or pick up the phone for every little thing? Whether it's about an invoice, operating cost statement, an offer, or the status of an order - they have to get in touch every time.

And on the other side? Your team, constantly having to handle these inquiries. It not only consumes time and money but also causes frustration on both sides.

The Vision: Independence Meets Satisfaction

It can be different. Imagine your customers handling many of these tasks themselves. Your team is no longer overwhelmed with routine inquiries. Instead, they can focus on providing exceptional customer service.

Existing customer relationships are not only maintained but deepened. Because it is far more efficient and profitable to retain existing customers than to constantly acquire new ones, right?

The Solution: More Than Just a Support Tool

The answer lies in self-service portals that go beyond what traditional support portals offer. These portals enable real, asynchronous communication and the exchange of data and information with your customers. And the best part? They are directly connected to your company software (ERP, CRM, industry solution, shop, ...).

The personal touch is not lost in the process. On the contrary, it creates space and energy to focus on the human aspect again and to set aside the tedious tasks. It's about combining the best of both worlds: efficiency and humanity.

What Can I Expect?

Self-service can take many forms...

Just a few examples:

  1. Offer calculators
  2. Price calculators
  3. Document management
  4. Product configurators
  5. Appointment booking systems
  6. Support ticket systems
  7. E-learning platforms
  8. Community and forum tools
  9. FAQs and knowledge bases
  10. Customer account management

It's a Good Fit If

  • You constantly receive similar inquiries from customers.
  • You want to offer your customers more transparency and control over their data and inquiries.
  • You are looking for ways to improve customer service without hiring additional staff.
  • You want to increase customer satisfaction.
  • You are looking for a solution to retain existing customers while reducing your team's workload.

What Does It Cost?

Clarity from the start: I only offer fixed prices. You know exactly what your portal will cost. Depending on your needs and the required software integrations, I will tailor a suitable package for you. Your budget remains in focus, and prices range from EUR 399 to EUR 1,299 per month. This way, you get exactly what you need without paying for unnecessary extras.

What Else Should I Know?

The minimum term is 24 months, with no setup costs or other additional fees. After this period, your monthly rate drops to only 30% of the original price, with a notice period of 3 months. This covers everything - from support to operation and maintenance. No hidden costs, no nasty surprises.

Is It Worth It?

Imagine hiring a full-time employee to handle all these tasks. The costs - not only financial but also in terms of onboarding, training, and management - would be significantly higher.

With this offer, you save not only money but also valuable time and resources. This allows you and your team to focus on what really matters: your customers and your core business.

The Essential Code Guide

For a deeper insight into how self-service portals can improve digital interaction with your customers, check out my comprehensive guide to self-service portals. There you will learn how to increase customer satisfaction, reduce operating costs, and the role of individual development. Let's digi-do this!

More satisfaction for customers and team
Satisfied or money back
Fixed prices, no surprises

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Where to find me

  • Remote
    The world,
    but mostly Vienna (Austria).
  • Contact
    +43 699 10384185